Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Sorry I haven't blogged in a long time! I meant to blog again later that day I made my last post, but it totally slipped my mind. I didn't remember until a couple days later, but I just kept forgetting and/or putting it off. I can't believe that it it Christmas Eve already! I'm about to go see what I can help my mom with, were cooking today for our Christmas Eve dinner. Yumm...
homemade rolls and apple crumb pie. Well, I think I'll tell you what we did yesterday: Paris and me had a friend over to spend the night on Monday, and while we were outside(FREEZING cold) we saw some girls with a wagon that had a little sign taped to it. They were standing by the side of the rode so we assumed that they were selling something, and walked over to see what it was. It turned out they were selling lemonade and cookies for a quarter each. The lemonade was really sour, but I thought it was pretty good. Since it was so cold, the three of us ( Paris, me and our friend) came up with the idea to sell hot chocolate. So we made a cute poster on a big piece of poster board, and set up a stand at the end of our street. At first we didn't do to good (and it only cost twenty-five cents!), but when we did it again around four o' clock we had quite a bit of business. Some people gave us fifty cents or a dollar instead of just twenty-five cents, and others like one man that drove by when we set up the second time, drove by again an hour or two later, saw that we were still out there and gave us two dollars just for us trying so hard, and staying strong. He didn't even take some hot cocoa! It was fun, and we made about 14 dollars. Thank-you to everyone who bought any cocoa or gave. I probably won't blog again until January, since Christmas is tomorrow, and some family is coming to visit. So, Merry Christmas to all!!! And to all a good day!!! Blogging Out- Majel


Anonymous said...

Fun!! Merry Christmas!

Paris said...

Actually we got $14 and really bad colds!

Anonymous said...

I know it (the followers thing) says I just added. It is because I put them all anonymous to see what that did, and them I put it back to public, so now it is how it is now. Sorry!

Lauren Ann

Anonymous said...

okay, brace yourself. I am not going to follow your blog any more. Don't worry, I love it, but I am going to cut off a ton of people. I am terribley sorry.

and again, I am sorry, because this is copy and pasted message written by me.

Kara Akins said...


You are awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

please post again!

Anonymous said...

I am asking all the followers of my blog "As one of seven" to please come and visit it and reply to a question I had. You will know what I am talking about after you read my post.

Lauren Ann

Anonymous said...

Another important post at 'As one of Seven.' Please go an read it.
Lauren Ann

Anonymous said...

I have writen another post, and all current followers NEED to go over there. I am sorry, but yes, this is a copyied message. Even if you follow blog, I still need you to stop following 'As one of Seven'. That way I will delete it sooner.

Lauren Ann

Anonymous said...

I have no idea when you are going to get this so I am again. I am going to delete As one of Seven today, so stop following and you can follow my other blog if you like it.

Lauren Ann