Friday, September 5, 2008

My Day

Ok, well, the writing thing didn't exactly work out- I was brain dead the whole time. I'm sorry to say that I only tried to write about two days after my last post, witch was.... a long time ago. Yikes! I hadn't realized how long it had been since I last blogged. So anyway, schools finally started back up, pools are closed (even though its still hot out!) and after school activities are here again, witch leaves me with a lot of free time since I'm home schooled. I actually am coming up with some writing ideas, but I'll work on those some other time:) There was something I was going to write about but I forget what..... Hhhhh..., this is frustrating. Well, I'll blog again when I remember. But since I'm already here I'll just tell you about my day: Basically, all I've done today is played with my sisters, watched my kindergarten graduation video (which had a scratch on it and wouldn't work before it even got to my part), and I also watched this movie called "Noah's Ark." It's this really cool documentary about these surfers who became Christians. I know, I know. I wrote a post about not wasting your time watching TV and here I am. I probably need to cut back a bit. I mean TVs great, I just don't need to waste half my day with it. Ok, that's about it. See ya! Blogging Out-Majel


Paris said...

Yep, terday's bin borin'.

1st comment-o!

Anonymous said...

I get brain dead a lot when I write. I just can't get the word out!!!

Lauren Ann

Do you like my whatever you call it (toodalido)?????